ENSO9000 Continous Magic :-) 


“You are doing such a lovely job of bringing these important ideas to your workshop participants! I’m sure you will soon be hearing, over and over,’ This workshop changed my life!’“— Dr. Betty Edwards (best-selling author of Drawing on the Artist Within and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain)


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This site is preserved in memory of Peter Fraterdeus (1954-2020) by his family, with love always.

October 2019 Blog post for Wild Rice Retreat

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” —John Muir

I first discovered Bayfield and the Apostle Islands over thirty years ago, heading out from my Chicago area home-base, exploring in my old Volvo wagon. Somehow the beauty, power and peace of this amazing peninsula has been calling me back ever since—and last year, Kate and I bought a cottage in Washburn! Now we'll be here full time!
We first discovered Wild Rice Retreat on our visit north last year in September, and immediately knew that we'd found the perfect place for our next Mindful Play and Tools for Resilience retreat. We will be at WRR in October 2020 for four-days of playful exploration, deep sharing, inner discovery, and quiet joy, awakening in this place of profound beauty.
We welcome each other each morning in silent meditation, gentle yoga and movement, and greeting the present moment.
The tool box opens — endless rolls of paper, Zen Shodo brushes, right-and-left hand collaborations across the table—playing Twister with crayons and markers, and so much more! Pam engages both sides of our brains, opening channels which are too often forgotten, spontaneous writing and journaling... I teach the Way of the Brush—Zen Shodo—engaging our perception of intention and action. In the evening, Kate leads Yoga Nidra—deep relaxation—while I play the Tibetan Singing Bowls.
It's all really about deepening our connection with our Inner Self and those around us; seeking that which is hidden in plain sight; the revitalizing spirit of Play; and the Resilience to engage courageously with the world around us. We hope you'll join us!
See our website for photos and details on our programs: makeamindfulmark.com
Please follow @ideaswords on Instagram, and feel free to write with questions! I'm peterf@ideaswords.com
Peter Fraterdeus very much enjoys his studies of Zen Shodo with renowned master Kazuaki Tanahashi Sensei and has practiced western calligraphy and type design for over forty years. He is also an Irish fiddler, philosopher, photographer, and baker of sourdough bread.


Images from October 2018 Retreat at Sinsinawa

Mindful Play — Ink Stones and Brushes  Photo by Pam Paulsrud

Peter's carved pebbles and Brushes
photo by pam paulsrud - 2018

Mindful Play — Photo by Peter Fraterdeus

Writing with long sticks

photo by peter fraterdeus  2018


Make a Mindful Mark™

Zen Calligraphy • Physical Meditation • Balancing • Leadership • Corporate Wellness Retreats • Art and Meditation • Youth Mindfulness Sessions • Enso9000 Certified• And More!

Please Note that this lengthy retreat has been cancelled.

Due to various concerns, including founder's health, we have been forced to retrieve from the plan.

We watch the Wild Rice retreat with excitement into the future.


COVID-19 Update (May 2020)

Please join our Mindful Play and Tools for Resilience community on Facebook! We are sharing our daily practices and hosting Yoga Nidra and other meditations from time to time. Watch the group announcements regarding the October retreat. We look forward to 'playing' together, whether at Wild Rice Retreat Center or online.


Don't miss anything, visit the Wild Rice website and also sign up for our mailing list for updates!

Mindful Play Photo by Peter Fraterdeus

Mindful Play — Zen Calligraphy "Enso"

Praise for the Make a Mindful Mark™ and Drawing on Emptiness™ Seminars

“My expectations were high, and the experience surpassed them then took two laps around the moon and back again!” Mindful Play and Tools for Resilience (October 2018)
“Learned so much from this retreat, not so much able to quantify it in language—but in growth that is immeasuarable somehow” *
Mindful Play and Tools for Resilience (October 2018)
Your presentation was really appreciated by the attendees and it was the perfect complement to the rest of the agenda! Let's do it again!
— Megan Starr, Timber Framers Guild, Annual Conference


In our seminars and retreats, we use simple accessible tools to approach the quiet space — paper, pencil, markers, and the close observation of one’s own deliberate awareness.

Daily practice can be as little as five or ten minutes, but is also available at all times with a pen and paper!

Founder Peter Fraterdeus and various invited leaders and teachers are available for sessions worldwide. Please Contact Us for booking.


Shodo Flag - Sumi and brushes on Arches Heavy

Our New LOVE tshirts, designed by Peter Fraterdeus are available! Please visit the Emptiness Design Store!